Girls of the 21st century

Phones in hand, over 2,000 friends on Facebook, technology fiends and independent. These are the girls of my generation. If one were to wonder what our generation is going to be remembered for is hard to put a finger on it. There are so many advances and changes being made that it is almost hard to believe that we\'re living it all right now.

Now a days, if you\'re a girl someone is always trying to tell you what to do and how to go about doing it. Someone is comparing your failures and mistakes to girls from \"back in the day\" and someone is telling you that men are \"evil.\" There\'s all this pressure for you to be thin. Magazines are trying to tell you how to dress, your parents are expecting success and if you\'re a virgin by the age of 20 everyone acts like you\'re reaching your expiration date.

Women have sure come a long way and as a woman myself I am happy to say that. We are emotional, passion driven beings with love to give and big dreams. I think that things have changed for the better since we are more independent now but I do admit that I wish young girls would slow down on the growing up process and enjoy childhood while they still can.

The world will keep turning for years to come and we will age and turn with it. You should always remember that no matter how many friends you have on any website you still need human interaction outside of your computer. Men have changed along with us and most are no longer \"evil\" (if they ever were?)Your looks and body are up to you since you know your body better than anyone and no matter the century, love is always.